First Fort Mill Students

Sunday Morning

High School and Middle School
D-Groups 9:00am-10:15am

This time is designed for students to dive deep into Gods word in small groups that are gender and age specific. Circles of students and leaders talking through passages and topics that are relevant to a student's faith and walk with Christ. Relationships are key, and many are formed.

Sunday Night

Youth Group 5:00-6:45 (6th-12th) 

This is our large group student worship service. We have a rotation of worship, games, hang out, and special nights all designed for students. We also have amazing small groups that allow for deep relationships to grow and accountability to happen. This is where our youth group becomes a student family.

Generate Camp

Western Carolina University, July 14-18.
Cost $350, Grades 6-12

THE BEST WEEK OF THE YEAR!! Don’t miss out on all that summer camp offers. It’s a week full of powerful teaching, amazing worship, unending laughs, and unforgettable memories. A life-changing week that you will cherish forever.

Victory Sports Mission Trip

Batesburg SC, June 1-6

Cost is $150. 7-12 grade

Start the summer off SERVING! Our team will have the honor of kicking off the summer for Victory Sports, sports camp in the morning and VBS in the afternoons. This will be an opportunity to make a massive impact in the lives of children. Sign up and let’s go serve!


June 8-12

Students have the opportunity to serve at VBS! Register to volunteer now.

Student Mission Trip to Vermont

June 21-28. 8-12 grade.  

This is an opportunity to make an impact on a community that desperately needs Christ. We will be traveling to the Northeast to serve alongside church plants. Activities will include service projects, food pantries, kid’s camps, and various other needs that arise. A quick airplane ride North and we will be in towns and cities where the gospel is foreign, and the need is great.