June 16, 2024

Living with a Holy Boldness

Pastor: Jeff Bedwell Series: Sent Scripture: Acts 4:1–37

Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated, common men, they were astonished. And they recognized that they had been with Jesus.” (Acts 4:13, ESV)

How Do I Live With A Holy Boldness?

  1. Be Filled with the Holy Spirit (8)

And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit,” (Ephesians 5:18, ESV)

“May not a single moment of my life be spent outside the light, love and joy of God's presence and not a moment without the entire surrender of my self as a vessel for Him to fill full of His Spirit and His love.” Andrew Murray

  1. Seize the opportunity (9)

Persecution gave them an opportunity they otherwise would never have had.

Boldness is behavior born out of Belief

  1. Focus on Jesus (9-12)

We proclaim an exclusive Christ in an inclusive age.

We will speak Boldly about what we believe Deeply

“For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.”  (Matthew 12:34, ESV)

Important Clarifications:

  • Bold is not the same as Rude
  • Bold does not necessarily mean Loud

 “I am convinced the greatest act of love we can ever perform for people is to tell them about God’s love for them in Christ.” Billy Graham

  1. Spend Time with Jesus (13)

Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.” (James 4:8, ESV)

“A Christ-captivated life enables us to live an extraordinary life.”  Lloyd John Ogilvie

  1. Obey God (18-20)

If you please God, it doesn’t matter who you displease.  If you displease God, it doesn’t matter who you please.

Four characteristics of Peter’s witness:

  • Bold
  • Humble
  • Tenacious
  • Urgent
  1. Draw Near to others (23)

“And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” (Ecclesiastes 4:12, ESV)

  1. Cry Out in corporate prayer (24-31)

Prayer is not an escape from responsibility; it is our response to God’s ability. 

Characteristics of their praying:

  • It began by focusing on the Attributes of God
  • It was grounded in Scripture
  • It was focused on the Mission
  • Boldness not Protection
  • Miraculous Intervention

“Pray for great things, expect great things, work for great things, but above all pray.”  R.A. Torrey

“Do not pray for easy lives.  Pray to be stronger men.  Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers.  Pray for powers equal to your tasks.”  Phillips Brooks

Result: Powerful Proclamation (31)

The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion.” (Proverbs 28:1, ESV)

Making It Personal:

  • Are you genuinely a member of the family of God? Have you personally turned from your sin, trusted in Christ’s provision through the cross and surrendered your life to His rule and reign?
  • What would it look like for you to live your life with a Holy Boldness? What steps can you begin to take right now to cultivate a Holy Boldness?
  • How does your praying compare to the praying of the early church? What adjustments can you make in your prayer life individually and with others to more closely align with the heart of Christ and the practice of the early church?
  • Who needs to hear about Jesus through you?
  • Who can you share these truths with?

Ready to take your Next Step?

  • Text Next to 803-637-8484
  • Go to FBCFM.COM and click “Next Steps”


other sermons in this series

Jun 30


An Inside Job

Pastor: Jeff Bedwell Scripture: Acts 4:32– 5:14 Series: Sent

May 19


Word and Deed

Pastor: Jeff Bedwell Scripture: Acts 3:1–26 Series: Sent

May 5


A Model Church

Pastor: Jeff Bedwell Scripture: Acts 2:42–47 Series: Sent